The 33-year-old, who made her Bollywood debut with Imtiaz Ali's 2011 film "Rockstar" opposite Ranbir Kapoor, took to Twitter to clear the air about her relationship status."Happily single and totally into my work. I am not getting married anytime soon to anyone. Who started this rumour?," Fakhri posted.
Reports had claimed that the actress and Chopra are set to marry in March this year.Fakhri has began shooting for "Madras Cafe", a political thriller directed by Shoojit Sircar.
The film also stars John Abraham, who plays the main role of an Indian intelligence agent. "Madras Cafe" also deals with the subject of terrorism, and will be shot in Sri Lanka, South India and Delhi.
The film also stars John Abraham, who plays the main role of an Indian intelligence agent. "Madras Cafe" also deals with the subject of terrorism, and will be shot in Sri Lanka, South India and Delhi.
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